p. 619.677.6542
f. 866.686.7612
Veracity Traffic Group
(Recently Aquired Field Data Services of Arizona, Inc.)
Traffic Data Collection, Traffic Counts & Traffic Engineering Services
619.677.6542 CA Office
520.316.6745 AZ Office
Veracity Traffic Group (A "True" Traffic Group) provides Traffic Data Collection & Traffic Engineering Services to government agencies & private firms. Our company has over 50 years of traffic data collection experience in our Management Team and has become one of the most well versed companies in the Western States. We utilize the most current technologies and combine it with our well trained staff to ensure that every traffic count/study we perform is executed with the highest quality. We specialize in Video Turning Movement Counts (VTMC's), ADT counts, and large scale projects that demands the tools that we have worked hard to acheive. VTG is pushing the limits with the New Omnbird Products coupled with the Jamar Ultra-Video Count Boards to produce the most accurate turning movement data available. We are well versed in classification, speed and volume counts either by pnuematic tubes, video or with the ground breaking new Non-Intrusive Radar Systems by Jamar or Wavetronics. We use the newest video systems that VTG helped developed with OmniBird Video Systems for a specialty project that warranted the build of these new units that turned to be a new product for Omnibird in 2015. This achievement has led us to archive full HD on Samsung SSD Hard Drives for long duration record time in true 1980x1080 and the new 4k Super HD. We have the best, TRUE HD. Which gives us the ability to provide archived and verifiable video data to our clients and offer them video back up at levels the industry have never seen before. The Omnibird XII is second to none to date and VTG played a key role in the co-design the latest Omnibird XV, Eagle Eye I. We have spent the last 12 years sharpening our video systems and approaches to the traffic data collection process and is clearly leading the industry.