p. 619.677.6542
f. 866.686.7612
Veracity Traffic Group
(Recently Aquired Field Data Services of Arizona, Inc.)
Traffic Data Collection, Traffic Counts & Traffic Engineering Services
619.677.6542 CA Office
520.316.6745 AZ Office



Radar Counts
Video Data Collections
People Counts - *Bike, Pedestrian
Turning Movement Counts
*Roy P. Drachmann Institute for Land and Regional Development Studies in Tucson, AZ approached Mr. Morris for their bicycle study and submit a report to their institute for their new Bicycle Corridor implemented in 2011. "This study showed the usage change with the new calming devices and public awareness of these elements and produced the findings. I would agree that the study, with the use of the video systems, would have significantly changed the projects expense and outcome. Most of the key data was not in the normal peak periods but was more congruent to the schools schedules", - Jerry J. Morris
4th Avenue - Fontana Bike Study
Video Turning Movement Counts (VTMC) -
*Omnibird Video XII Systems
Omnibird Video XV Systems- First in the country to have the new system reaching 240 hours of continuous video collections.
HD Counts - Utilized by many firms and was used on the Balboa Park Redesign Study in San Diego, Ca.
Intersection Turning Movement Count (some live but mostly through the OMNIBIRD VTMC Unit) - Classification Turning Movement Count (some live but mostly through the OMNIBIRD VTMC Unit) - Origin- Destination Study -
*"Intel Corporation (yes, the "chip" company"), hired us to show the City of Chandler that the traffic at a specific intersection wasn’t being caused by their employees but their citizens. We offered a solution, at that time, in 2003, nobody had a system for this, but I did. That was my first strike at the initial "X1" System. Bulky but it worked and shortly their after, City of Sedona call on having cut through studies conducted as well. - Jerry J. Morris
Pneumatic Traffic Counts - Tubes
Bi-Directional Volume Counts
Bi-Directional Classification Counts
Bi-Directional Speed Counts with percentiles of you’re choosing.
Intersection Approach Counts
Intersection Approach/Departure Counts
Gap & Time Delay Study / GPS Based Travel Time Study / Parking Lot Study / Pedestrian & Bike Study / Casino & Mall Study Permanent Counter Solutions *
Transit Data Ridership Study
Obviously Video has changed the game for all. Just ask anyone who is using the Omnibird coupled with the Jamar Ultra-Video Board. They are pleased that this system has fallen into their hands. All video counts are reduced by experienced personnel and verified through a simple 2 tier process. This insures 2 sets of eyes are looking and checking your data before it leaves the building. Our staff comes in comfortable, and during normal business hours unlike other firms that claim they do this or even have a brick and mortar location to do it from. They don’t have toleave at 5am to make a 7-9am count, sit all day waiting for the midday count or the Pm count. Then get home around 730PM. That makes for a long exhausting day in the elements and stuck in the field for 15 hrs. a day. Nope, they come into an Air Conditioned office, comfortable and prepared. Naturally we have the best system, the best process and much better trained people than anyone else. Most business owners don’t have "Real World" experience and have never conducted a study themselves. When they tell their staff to get a schedule completed, they really don’t know what they are asking for since they have never done it. Everyone in our company from Principal, Managers or any positions our firm offers, ALL HAVE TO DO COUNTS in the field. This guarantees they "get" what we are doing and understand the elements and challenges that are faced in the real world. Some of the firm’s owners VTG competes with have never conducted a count in their life. Really? Want to meet our staff, come down and watch them count and enjoy some coffee on us!
Here at Veracity we know how important your data is. We have hired, OMNIBIRD VIDEO SYSTEM to develope and build cameras specifically for the use in the collection process. Since Omnibird became a team partner, they have produced over 250 Video Systems for government agencies, Universities for teaching and training the use of the systems and now have expanded to many traffic counting firms throughout the globe.
Our Management Team has actually worked on projects, managing staff, providing data collection services for many municipalities. Safety and Quality Control is a key factor to our experience and Mr. Morris, one of our team leaders and Principal and was trained by Steve Mathien at the City of Phoenix for 5+ years for the use and collection process of the best equipment on the planet as well strict safety guidelines from ASHTOE, OSHA and MUTCD & MUTCD-CA.